5 Diabetes Superfoods


Half a teaspoon of the great spice cinnamon has been found to increase the body cells’ capacity to utilize sugar.  According to a medical study done in Maryland, in forty days’ time, regular intake of cinnamon was able to reduce blood glucose levels in numerous diabetic test subjects.  Regular use of the spice also had positive effects on the heart, too.


Didn’t expect to see chocolate on a super food list, right? Well, buying organic chocolate (found in most health food stores) with high levels of cacao can do a body good. It may not be the tastiest thing to eat straight, but mix a bit of 100 per cent organic cacao powder into a morning smoothie or coffee, or buy chocolate bars that are at least 75 per cent cacao. Note: Snickers bars are not a healthy substitute.


Go ahead and whip up some avocado salsa, a great side dish. Guacamole is also good for you. Avocados are high-calorie, so you don’t want to go crazy eating them, but they are said to improve blood flow, which increases brain activity.

Dark, leafy green vegetables

Spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, kale and other dark, leafy green veggies are nutrient-dense, low in carbohydrates. And I say eat all you want.


According to a study from the Arizona State University (East), a few tablespoons of vinegar is capable of instantly lowering blood sugar levels. In the study, pre-diabetic individuals and diabetic individuals were asked to take two tablespoons of the stuff before eating.
The results were amazing – the pre-diabetic individuals’ blood sugar level dipped by about ½ while the diabetics’ blood sugar levels dropped about ¼ its former level. Vinegar was taken before full meals (two meals, everyday).

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