When you wake up at three in the morning coughing up blood there may be a problem!
That was me, nothing but a little bronchitis. I had gone to the doctor the week before (something I had only done two other times willing in my entire life) and he had prescribed me some super cool drugs so I thought I would be A-OK.
But something wasn't OK. I was coughing up blood and a lot of it. I went back to the doctor the next day. He immediately admitted me to the hospital. It was a pneumonia he told me after looking at a chest x-ray.
And not just pneumonia. Shitty kick you in the ass double lung pneumonia that was making it hard to even stand up. Which for a 25 year old male is not common. There must be something else wrong he said, something making me Immunosuppressed. It could be anything from cancer to diabetes.
To tell you the truth the thought of cancer made me feel calm. Yea cancer... Lance Armstrong had cancer. Ball cancer to boot, now everyone loves him. This was going to be OK.
But my doctor came back with diabetes. Full blown. No surgery and chemo was going to cure me. Nothing short of a major life style change and a course of drugs was going to work at this point.
After a week a I left the hospital. I went on the pills and injections and watched my carbs. I fell into a depression. I read every book I could find on the subject. I followed the fad diets and cooky advise from even cookeyer doctors.
That's when I discovered the plant based diet, more to the the point a raw plant based diet. Real people where in effect getting cured of diabetes (total control over it). The other diets made me feel tired and the weight was not coming off.
That's when I realized that the point of these old world diets was to keep you barely alive. But the idea of eating fresh, raw (living) food was a God send. The weight fell off and the energy came back. Within a week I found that I had obtained perfect blood sugar.
So take a look around this site and learn a thing or two. Control diabetes before it blows up in your face like it did to me.